Contact form

3 responses

  1. Fox avatar

    Welcome Home!
    Fox from the here, testing the comment function ๐Ÿ˜‰

    the comment function is the first way / the first channel to get in contact with us Focalisers.

    It should be open for all siblings, contributors and other interested persons ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Bastiaan Gijsbertus Roufs avatar
    Bastiaan Gijsbertus Roufs

    Welcome Home Page Test comment ๐Ÿ˜‰.

    Hey dear Fox.

    Do you see this test comment?

    Good morning. Feeling better again after sleeping like a stone.

    Appearantly the first lines of the Welcome Home Page are an image, I cannot edit.
    Pls. rewrite them. Probably like this.

    European Rainbow Gathering.

    Welcome Home Page.

    (Welcome Home image)

    News, views, visions and practices in and near the Rainbow Family – in Europe and world wide. At the 10th and 11th of September 2024 we have launched a very first version of this website. ยซWeยป is a group of four dedicated – focalisers. More, we will explain soon.

    Later, you can make a link here to a page about the 4 of us – at the Common Effort tab.

    1. Fox avatar

      Hey Bas,
      thanks for the input.
      Done! ๐Ÿ™‚ please check and reply, if the Welcome Home Page text is now as expected.

      Best regards, hug&love

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